Dr. Carmelo Lauretta
via A. Licitra, 11
97100 - Ragusa
0932 234674
0932 234678
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The Department of Prevention is an operative division of the Authority; its mission is ensuring the protection of the public health. Its objectives are health promotion and protection, disease and disability prevention, and the improvement of the quality of life, environment and work. It reports to the management body.

The Department of Prevention promotes actions which have the objective of identifying and removing harm and disease causes of environmental, human and animal origin, by the means of coordinated initiatives with the Districts and the A.S.P. Departments, and by involving operators belonging to different disciplines. It ensures the functions of collective prevention and public healthcare, by also supporting the Local Healthcare Authority.

  • Infectious and parasitic diseases prophylaxis;
  • Chronic degenerative diseases and socially significant diseases collective prophylaxis;
  • Protection of the community from the health risks of living environments, also considering the impact on health of environmental pollution;
  • Protection of the community and the individual from accident risks and health risks related to working environments;
  • Food safety and hygiene safeguard;
  • Nutritional surveillance and preventive nutrition;
  • Health protection in sport activities;

The Department of Prevention contributes to the health promotion activities and has the task of combating the main diseases which cause the majority of deaths, disabilities and illnesses among the population, that can be avoided by the means of primary and secondary prevention. The crucial intervention areas are: cardiovascular diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, neoplastic diseases and infectious diseases. Circulatory diseases (cardiovascular and cerebrovascular) are the primary cause of death for both genders. Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle are relevant morbid conditions in determining chronic degenerative diseases.

The Department of Prevention yearly draws up the report on the population health status, which includes the epidemiological informations which are necessary for structuring the prevention services and the potential, primary and/or secondary (screening), prevention activity. It is carried out by the means of the control of the main modifiable risk factors, by targeted interventions against unhealthy lifestyles (smoking, alcohol, bad dietary habits, etc.) and with the collaboration of General Practitioners, Pediatricians and other institutions. The Department of Prevention prepares and coordinates the management of the Authority Prevention Plan.

The Department of Prevention is structured in the following 5 advanced divisions:
  • Epidemiology and prophylaxis service (E.P. Servizio Epidemiologia e Profilassi);
  • Working Environments Prevention and Safety Service (S.Pre.S.A.L. Servizio prevenzione e sicurezza negli ambienti di lavoro);
  • Food and Nutritional Hygiene Service (S.I.A.N. Servizio Igiene degli Alimenti e Nutrizione);
  • Living Environments Hygiene Service (S.I.A.V. Igiene degli Ambienti di Vita);
  • Public Healthcare Laboratory (L.S.P. Laboratorio di Sanità Pubblica).

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