Ing. Gaetano Cilia
via Teocrito, 18
97100 - Ragusa
0932 234477
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Safety and health protection in working environments is a specific institutional competence of the Regional Health Service that is fulfilled, on the territory, by the Working Environments Prevention and Safety Services (S.Pre.S.A.L.) and the Systems Safety and Accidents Prevention Services (S.I.A.) of Provincial Health Authorities. S.Pre.S.A.L. and S.I.A. both belong to the “Working Environments Health and Safety Protection” departmental area of Prevention Departments.

Systems Safety and Accidents Prevention Service (S.I.A.) is an advanced structure that operates in the field of safety and accidents prevention, in living and working environments. Its primary objective is contributing to promote and safeguard workers health and safety, in agreement with the other public authorities which are involved in control and surveillance activities on the same subject. This activity is carried out by favoring the reduction and the control of occupational risk factors and the development of a widespread culture of prevention.

Systems Safety and Accidents Prevention Service (S.I.A.) has been established by the Authority Deed of A.S.P. Ragusa, which has been issued by Council Decree No. 2352 of 28th September 2010, adopted by Resolution No. 2393 of 29th October 2010, in compliance with 2011-2013 Health Regional Plan (Presidential Decree of 18th July 2011 – Health Plan) and the Notice of the Regional Health Department No. 1269 of 10th May 2010 “Guidelines for the organization of the health and safety safeguard area in working environments, in the context of the Prevention Department of Provincial Health Authorities”; it has been activated by Resolution No. 619 of 26th March 2021.

S.I.A. assumes the former competences of E.N.P.I.(the disbanded Accidents Prevention National Authority which, from 1983, was incorporated into Local Healthcare Units); under D.A. 0773/12, the Operative Unit has territorial competence on the Province of Ragusa, and functional competence related to elevators, goods lifts, lifting platforms, cranes and hoisting equipments, forklifts, bucket trucks, mobile cranes, crane trucks and all of the hoisting equipments that belong to the goods lifting and persons lifting categories; and, in addition to this, electrical systems in explosion and fire sites, grounding systems and protection systems against atmospheric discharges; electromedical and aesthetic devices.

The Service, which is aimed to employers and public authorities, also supports Judicial Police activities related to accidents in its territory of competence, in ascertaining the technical causes of accidents resulting in damage to persons and property.


Ing. Giovanni Tribastone
via Teocrito, 18
97100 - Ragusa
0932 234477
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Tec. Ind. Antonio Bonifacio
via Teocrito, 18
97100 - Ragusa
0932 234477
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Administrative personnel and secretarial office

Avv. Alessandro Meli
via Teocrito, 18
97100 - Ragusa
0932 234477
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Director and Verifiers office hours by appointment.