Dr. Daniele Domenico Raia
0932 234687
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The Operative Unit for Quality of A.S.P. Ragusa is a basic division of General Management staff. The functions of the Operative Unit for Quality concern the coordination of all of the necessary and efficient actions that are needed to continuously improve territorial and hospital prevention, diagnosis and treatment services. The Operative Unit for Quality, in the context of the Authority quality system, has a role of coordination and integration instrument with the other organizational contexts that contribute to the Authority quality system, as the Administrative Management, the Healthcare Management, the Hospital Medical Managements, the nursing service, the information system and the Public Relations Office.

Tasks and functions:
  • It coordinates the planning and the diffusion of operative modalities related to the management of clinical-support processes, which are oriented to clinical safety, efficiency, effectiveness and appropriateness of the services; by identifying indicators for the assessment and the monitoring of both the clinical-support processes and the prevention-diagnosis-treatments processes;
  • It collects data, analyzes and shares the results of the measurements and the data related to professional and organizational performances, on the basis of the identified indicators and standards about clinical safety, efficiency, effectiveness and appropriateness;
  • It coordinates the planning and the development of diagnostic and treatment processes based on evidence;
  • It shares the scientific documentation related to quality;
  • It supports the General Management in planning the organization of services and the provision of healthcare services, in order to optimize their quality and to meet users expectations;
  • It analyzes the outcomes concerning the perceived quality; it identifies the improvement measures; it monitors the observance of the Service Charter standards and analyzes and shares its outcomes;
  • It gathers informations about complaints and it contributes to their analysis and resolution;
  • It promotes and spreads the culture of Quality in the context of the Authority, by planning and organizing the training of the personnel as far as clinical safety, efficiency, effectiveness and appropriateness of clinical-support processes are concerned;
  • It promotes, plans, approves, shares and assesses improvement measures; it elaborates the Quality Improvement Annual Plan;
  • It contributes to the public health impact analysis and assessment;
  • It participates in developing the strategies for the integration of the newly hired personnel and in developing the criteria for the incentive program;
  • It collaborates with the Regional Health Department and the Ministry of Health as far as the regional and national activities related to quality issues are concerned;
  • It reports on the Authority quality system evolution to the General Manager, who communicates the policies and the objectives that have to be met to the Operative Unit;
  • It elaborates and shares the annual report on services quality and prevention-diagnosis-treatment processes outcomes and effectiveness audit and monitoring.

In order to carry out these activities the Operative Unit for Quality interacts with offices, services and Operative Units that have a strategic value for the implementation of plans and projects which are oriented to the continuous improvement of quality and to users satisfaction.