Acting Director
Dr. Giovanni Barone
via A. Licitra, 11
97100 - Ragusa
0932 234674
0932 234678
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Food and Nutritional Hygiene Service (S.I.A.N. Servizio Igiene degli alimenti e della nutrizione) is part of the Department of Prevention and primarily performs Official Controls (C.U. Controlli Ufficiali). The public relations are transferred, in accordance with sector regulations, to the Centralized Help Desk for Productive Activities (S.U.A.P. Sportello Unico Attività Produttive). Nevertheless, the following district offices are regularly open to the public:

  • Ragusa, as for the Ragusa District;
  • Modica and Scicli, as for the Modica District;
  • Comiso, as for the Vittoria District.

For specific requirements, the personnel of the Food and Nutritional Hygiene Service will be available, by prior telephone appointment, in the branch offices.

Director of the Food and Nutritional Hygiene Service
Dr. Giovanni Barone
Prevention Technicians Coordinator
Dr. Maurizio Mezzasalma
Ragusa Territorial Operative Unit for Food and Nutritional Hygiene Service
Dr. Giovanni Barone

Medical Directors:

  • Dr. G. Distefano


  • Chiaramonte Gulfi
  • Giarratana
  • Monterosso
  • Ragusa
  • Santa Croce Camerina

Number of inhabitants:

  • 98.824
Modica Territorial Operative Unit for Food and Nutritional Hygiene Service
Dr. M. G. Antoci

Medical Directors:

  • Dr. G. Distefano


  • Ispica
  • Modica
  • Pozzallo
  • Scicli

Number of inhabitants:

  • 117.346
Vittoria Territorial Operative Unit for Food and Nutritional Hygiene Service
Dr. Giovanni Barone

Medical Directors:

  • Dr. G. Distefano


  • Acate
  • Comiso
  • Vittoria

Number of inhabitants:

  • 105.431

  • Food companies register, Certified Notification of Business Start up (S.C.I.A. Segnalazione Certificata Di Inizio Attività) document review, and assignment of the relative registration code, in order, for the inspection bodies, to perform health and hygiene surveillance in compliance with sector regulations;
  • Surveillance of regulatory compliance related to the legislative decree 194/2008;
  • Configuration of the food companies which are subject to the legislative decree 194/2008 and communication of the defaulting companies lists to the Legal Affairs Office for enforced collection;
  • Official Controls (C.U. Controlli Ufficiali) and assessment of the health and hygiene problems reported by private citizens and Authorities;
  • Collaboration with other inspection bodies: Food Adulteration Prevention and Health Unit (N.A.S. Nucleo Antisofisticazione e Sanità), State Forestry Corps (C.F.S. Corpo Forestale Dello Stato), State Police (Polizia), Municipal Police (VV.UU. Vigili Urbani), etc;
  • Food Business Operators (O.S.A. Operatori Del Settore Alimentare) training courses registration and monitoring, as referred to in D.A. 19/02/2007 and subsequent amendments and integrations;
  • Official Controls (C.U. Controlli Ufficiali) as competent authority (EC Regulation 882/2004);
  • Attribution of the activities of the Regional IT System Gevisan;
  • Food and beverage sampling as stated in the Regional Integrated Plan for Sicily Controls (P.R.I.C.S. Piano regionale integrato Controlli Siciliani) in force;
  • Risk assessment and formulation of judgements in the field of food and beverage safety;
  • Enactment of measures related to administrative offences (in the field of food safety);
  • Enactment of measures as referred to in article 54 of EC Regulation 882/2004 (in the field of food safety);
  • Notifications to the Judicial Authority as far as criminal offences in the food sector are concerned;
  • Relations with the Judicial Authority as far as food safety is concerned;
  • Certifications for food and beverage export to non-EU countries;
  • Various certifications upon request of organizations and private citizens;
  • Organization of courses for the preparation and the management of meals for persons who suffer from celiac disease (Law 123/1995);
  • Health education interventions aimed at users, schools and the citizenry;
  • Management of the “Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed” (R.A.S.F.F.).
  • Registration and Official Control (C.U. Controllo Ufficiale) of plant protection products and adjuvants retailers;
  • Organization and realization of plant protection products retailing qualification courses (In accordance with D.A. 12/12/2014: of qualification and previous qualifications reneweal);
  • Plant protection products and adjuvants retailing qualifications issue and renewal;
  • Registration and Official Control (C.U. Controllo Ufficiale) of field experimentations of unauthorized plant protection products;
  • Registration and Official Control (C.U. Controllo Ufficiale) of agricultural and non-agricultural holdings for the employment of plant protection products in farming;
  • Assessment of the fulfillments of duly licensed and registered shops, related to plant protection products retailing declaration.
  • Monitoring and sampling of potable water (in reservoirs and distributed by the means of aqueducts) in the 12 municipalities of the Province of Ragusa;
  • Assessment of the self-monitored activities of the Authorities responsible for Municipalities Water services.
  • Realization of courses, aimed at O.S.A.s and Hospitality Training Institutes students, for the preparation of meals for persons who suffer from celiac disease;
  • Realization of activities related to the Training Education Diet Regional Project (F.E.D. Formazione Educazione Dieta), in collaboration with the Training Office and the Health Education Authority Operative Unit (U.O.E.S.A. Unità operativa di educazione alla salute aziendale), included in 2015-2018 P.R.P., for the promotion of the Mediterranean diet as a model which determines primary prevention as far as chronic degenerative diseases are concerned;
  • Attendance as representatives or members in the working group of Prevention Regional Plans.
Surveillance of the dietary patterns which are proposed to the citizenry: upon request of the Authorities which are interested, controls and endorsements of dietary charts are performed.
  • Mycological surveillance;
  • Study and identification of the proposed fungal species;
  • Intervention in case of Mushroom poisoning.
  • Quality system implementation (competent authority);
  • Procedures development and revision (in the context of PAC financial statements certification);
  • Internal training;
  • Attendance at boards for the improvement of the procedures related to SUAP (Sportello unico delle attività produttive) activities;
  • Analysis of the implementation of CU operating and improvement standard and preparation of specific checklists in compliance with 7th February 2013 State-Region Agreement.
  • Processing and transmission of Information flows to DASOE – Service 7 – Food Safety;
  • Alert System management (RASFF).
  • Ragusa - Via Licitra, 11
    • Dr. Giovanni Barone
    • Dr. G. Distefano
    Opening hours:
    • Tuesday and Thursday, 8:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
    • Remaining days of the week: office internal institutional activities
    Telephone number: Secretary's Office: Email:
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Santa Croce - Via Di Vittorio, 3
    • Dr. Giovanni Barone
    Opening hours:
    • Opening hours by appointment
    Telephone number:
  • Chiaramonte Gulfi - Villaggio Gulfi, P.le M. Gafa
    • Dr. G. Distefano
    Opening hours:
    • Opening hours by appointment
    Telephone number:
  • Monterosso Almo - Via P. Pio
    • Dr. G. Distefano
    Opening hours:
    • Opening hours by appointment
    Telephone number:
  • Giarratana - Via Calatafimi, 2
    • Dr. G. Distefano
    Opening hours:
    • Opening hours by appointment;
    Telephone number:
  • Modica - c/o Ospedale Maggiore
    • Dr. Maria Grazia Antoci
    • Dr. G. Distefano
    Opening hours:
    • Monday and Thursday, 8:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
    • Friday: office internal institutional activities
    Telephone number: Email:
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Scicli - Via Ospedale
    • Dr. Maria Grazia Antoci
    Opening hours:
    • Tuesday and Wednesday: 8:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
    • Friday: office internal institutional activities
    Telephone number:
  • Ispica - Via Sardegna
    • Dr. Maria Grazia Antoci
    Opening hours:
    • Opening hours by appointment;
    Telephone number:
  • Pozzallo - Via Napoli, 1
    • Dr. Maria Grazia Antoci
    Opening hours:
    • Opening hours by appointment
    Telephone number:
  • Vittoria - Via Nicosia, 27
    • Dr. G. Distefano
    Opening hours:
    • Opening hours by appointment
    Telephone number:
  • Comiso - Via Roma
    ex Osp. Vecchio
    • Dr. G. Distefano
    Opening hours:
    • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 8:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
    • Thursday: office internal institutional activities
    Telephone number: Email:
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Acate - Via V. Veneto, 98
    • Dr. G. Distefano
    Opening hours:
    • Opening hours by appointment
    Telephone number:
Dr. Vito Perremuto
via A. Licitra, 11
97100 - Ragusa
0932 234679
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Article 9 Law 352/93 and Article 1 Presidential Decree 376/95.
In order to prevent poisoning and/or intoxication related to mushrooms ingestion,
it provides the following services:
  • Analysis of the fungal species picked by private citizens in order to determine edible mushrooms;
  • Control and certification of wild fresh mushrooms which are intended for sale (fruit and vegetable markets, stores and restaurants);
  • Training and education interventions aimed at operators of the fruit and vegetable sector and the restaurant industry;
  • Qualifying examinations, aimed at operators of the retail sector, for the identification of the fungal species which are intended for retail, for the purpose of sale authorization issuing;
  • Control of imported mushrooms;
  • Consulting activity, related to suspected intoxication cases, at hospitals and emergency facilities;
  • Ragusa - via Licitra, 11
    • Dr. Maurizio Mezzasalma
    Opening hours:
    • From September to January
      Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
    • Tuesday - Thursday, 3:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
    • As far as different periods and hours are concerned, prior appointment is required
    Telephone number: Secretary’s office: Email:
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