The Administrative Department is constituted
by the following Advanced Divisions:
The Administrative Department is a functional and organizational division, which is constituted by divisions which provide support services for the bodies of the Authority, primarily to the Strategic Management, as well as to the Departmental Divisions.
It is constituted by basic and advanced divisions which are independent of one another. The Administrative Department ensures advisory and propositional activities, with direction, control and assessment duties, as for the management of budget and of assigned tasks. It assesses and devises the plans and the technical, organizational, economic and financial aspects which are useful in order to determine the activity plan and the budget which are submitted to the General Management.
The Administrative Department, coherently with the strategic direction of the General Management, ensures and coordinates the administrative duties which are assigned to its advanced divisions, by favoring a multidisciplinary approach, as for professional competences, and the integrated use of all the resources.
The Department performs management and operational functions, which are oriented to
- a corporate vision of problems, with a direct support for Authority Management’s decisions;
- an efficient use of resources, in accordance with the principles of legality, transparency and good public governance; within an approach of internal service addressed to the other Authority Divisions, particularly to those which provide healthcare and social healthcare services;
- a shift towards a managerial approach as regards the traditional administrative functions, characterized by a governance of resources, rather than a mere administration of them;
- the development of new competences and skills, in a perspective of continuous improvement and diffused responsibility;
- the simplification and decentralization of services, also by means of the digitalization of procedures and document flows;
- the introduction of innovative operational and management solutions, based on the best practices for large companies.
In particular, the competences of the Departmental Committee are the following:
- the optimization of all the available resources (equipment, facilities, personnel) on the basis of the directions and criteria estabilished by the Authority;
- the experimentation and adoption of organizational modalities aimed at improving efficiency and at integrating the activities of the Departmental Divisions;
- improvement of accessibility and transparency level;
- coordination with the activities of the Authority Divisions connected to the functions of the Department;
- approval of operational protocols and procedures related to the activity performed;
- assessment of the quality of activities;
- expression of opinions, upon request of the Department Director.
The Department Director is appointed among the Advanced Division Directors of the Department, on the basis of General Management’s resolutions.