Dr. Giovanni Tolomeo
Piazza Igea, 1
97100 - Ragusa
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It manages the fulfillments pertaining the strategic planning of the General Management and interacts with the Divisions, by ensuring a proper information flow between the Management and the internal services.

It performs administrative duties that are not related to specific sectors of the Authority. The Division manages the general registry and the contractual activities of the Authority, including external affiliations.

It manages the activity pertaining the issuing and the management of administrative penalties in accordance with the Law 689/81, as for the matters within the competence of A.S.P.. It manages the activities related to debt collection in agreement with Concessionaria Riscossione Sicilia.

The Ethics Committee, the Authority Board for Accidents Assessment (C.A.V.S.) and the Disciplinary Office are parts of the Unit

The Advanced Operative Unit includes the following Basic Operative Unit

Basic Operative Unit for Administrative Penalties
and Debt Collection.