Dr. Maria Sigona
via G. Di Vittorio, 51
97100 - Ragusa
0932 600807
0932 600781
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It manages the tendering procedures for the procurement of goods and services; it ensures the issuing of purchase orders and the settlement of goods and services supplies; it manages the logistics of the goods that are within the competence of the Service.

It also performs the functions pertaining the awarding of tendering procedures below E.U. thresholds for the procurement of goods and services, also by means of negotiated procedure with or without prior call for competition (technical specifications drawing up, award criteria, list of the companies to be invited and letters of invitation to tender, participants admission and exclusion, tendering process reports signing). Moreover, it performs the functions pertaining the establishment of Tender Assessment Boards and of technical committees for the drawing up of tender technical specifications. In addition, it manages the extension and integration of contractual terms.

It manages the fulfillments pertaining the information obligations towards the Supervisory Authority for Public Contracts and anti-mafia legislation; it adopts the provisions of participation to awardings executed by other commissioning bodies.

The Advanced Operative Unit includes the following Basic Operative Units

Basic Operative Unit for the Purchase
of Goods and Services
via G. Di Vittorio, 51
97100 - Ragusa
0932 600761
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Basic Operative Unit for the Purchase
of Medicines and In Vitro
Diagnostic Medical Devices