Dr. Giuseppe Morando
Piazza Igea, 1
97100 - Ragusa
0932 234376
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The Department of Mental Health (DSM) is a Division with managerial, technical and professional autonomy, as the other Authority Advanced Divisions.

As provided for by the Healthcare Regional Plan and by the Mental Health Protection National Objective Plan, it is the Operative Division of the Authority specializing in prevention, diagnosis, therapy, rehabilitation, social inclusion, training and research in the fields of psychiatry, child neuropsychiatry and addictions. More generally, it deals with the organization of actions aimed at the promotion and the protection of general population mental health.

The Department of Mental Health carries out the united planning of the strategies and the objectives pertaining its area of competence, by employing functionally and complementarily facilities, instruments and personnel, and by ensuring the efficiency and the efficacy of the interventions carried out by the Divisions which are directly operative. It organizes the decentralization of the services which are provided within its competence, to private citizens and to the citizenry. It assesses the quality of the services provided and develops the potential improvement processes.

The Department is constituted by the following Modules