Dr. Giuseppe Mustile
via G. Cascino, 33
97019 - Vittoria
0932 999702
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0932 234851

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C.da Treppiedi sud Circ. Ortisiana
0932 448906

0932 448902
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via Generale Cascino, 33
0932 999703

0932 999702
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The Advanced Operative Unit for Addictions belongs to the Mental Health Department and operates by means of three District Operative Units. It deals with the reintegration, treatment and prevention of problems related to the use of legal and illegal psychotropic substances, and with comparable and related behaviors (as eating disorders and pathological gambling). To that end, it defines the appropriate operational relations with Mental Health and Maternity-Pediatrics areas. In that context, the Advanced Operative Unit for Addictions manages the coordination of complex functions. It is constituted by related and complementary organizational entities that pursue common objectives in the field of addictions, by preserving their specific competences.

The Unit coordinates from an organizational, technical and scientific standpoint, all the functions and divisions (Ser. T. Operative Units of Modica, Ragusa and Vittoria) that contribute, at district level, to provide services related to addictions, in order to ensure consistency and equality to the operational tasks of the different branches.

Ser. T.s are the basic divisions of the Advanced Operative Unit. They are functional units which can be organized according to the needs of the territory, in relation to the different typologies of substance abuse and addiction.

Ser. T.s are the district divisions of the Provincial Health Authority that operate in the field of addictions prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. They perform the following tasks:
  • They ensure all the services which are assigned to them by the Law, by operating, within the district, autonomously, as far as the clinical aspects are concerned.
  • They operate within the new perspective of Territorial Service, intended as a service to the individual and the Community, by which users and their families can find a tailored response to a wide range of necessities, and that is integrated with the territory and with the entire network of the available resources;
  • They ensure, at District level, the necessary healthcare integration in compliance with the regulations in force;
  • They ensure the privacy of treatment, medical, psychological and social services.

The access to Ser. T.s is open and their services are free of charge, since they are included in the Essential Healthcare Levels (L.E.A.).

The G.A.P. Project Peer Education