Dr. Massimo Cicero
Piazza Igea, 1 97100 - Ragusa |
0932 234297 |
The functions of the Unit are related to all the activities of the Authority. Its work organization is based on high-competence functions. It prepares the annual and multi-year budget, as well as the annual financial statements; it manages general and analytical accounting, the mandatory accounting records, tax and fiscal compliance, the relations with the Treasury body and cash flow. It manages the accounts receivable process (accounts receivable invoicing, incomes, payments, revenues and customers accounting, debt collection) and the accounts payable process (accounts payable invoicing, payments due, suppliers accounting).
The Unit draws up quarterly financial reports and infra-annual information flows. It manages, from an administrative standpoint, the financial and real estate assets; it acquires assets and manages the related inventory record; it manages the disposal, alienation and discarding of assets; it formally assignes assets to the related Operative Unit.
The functions of the Advanced Operative Unit for General Accounting are
Telephone numbers:
Registration of accounts payable invoices issued by suppliers
0932 600740
0932 600749
0932 600711 -
Issue of payment and collection orders
0932 448449
0932 448599
0932 234316
0932 234229 -
Issue of accounts receivable invoices
0932 448436 -
Tax compliance
0932 234290 -
Reconciliation of suppliers’ balances
0932 448509
0932 448435 -
Assignment of receivables
0932 448315 -
0932 448432 -
Revenues regularization
0932 600780
0932 600783 -
0932 234313 - Objective projects and P.S.N.
0932 234332
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- Drawing up of final balance and budget, telephone number: 0932 234347