The increase of average life expectancy leads to a greater number of users with chronic diseases. The greater attention towards the improvement of life quality and of social integration emphasizes the emergence of new needs among the population. Health Authorities respond to them also by means of the Services for integrative, prosthetic assistance and disability, by providing, free of charge, the devices which are useful to improve the independence of people with disabilities and of their relatives, in order to favor social integration and allowing or facilitating daily life activities.

The Service ensures integrative and prosthetic assistance, by providing directly or indirectly: aids and prostheses (according to the indications of National and Sicily Region Healthcare Range of Fees - Nomenclatore tariffario), dietetic products, aids for diabetics, dressing material included in the National Healthcare Range of Fees, reimbursement of medical expenses, medical care abroad, admission in rehabilitation institutes.

Objectives of the Service

The Service is available by means of the Operative Units in the Districts of Ragusa, Modica and Vittoria.

Dr. Patrizia Camillieri
via Paestum, 41
0932 234753
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In order to access to the services provided (support for patients of the district with disabilities and chronic diseases, for which the provision of prostheses, aids and oxygen therapy is necessary; support for patients who suffer from renal failure; aids for diabetics and persons who suffer from celiac disease; authorization of treatment plans; exemptions for disease or income; aids for persons who suffer from incontinence and ostomates; international relations for the support of pensioners who live abroad and in Italy; issuing of E.N.I. (Non-registered EU citizens) and S.T.P. (Temporarily Staying Foreign Citizens) cards; health insurance card issuing; benefits and reimbursements for hospitalizations abroad and outside the region; reimbursement of medical expenses - Regional Law 40/84; procedures for dialysis patients transport; C.N.S. (National Service Card) issuing), please call after 12:00 P.M. for making a reservation.

Contact Details:

Offices are open to the public only in the morning, from Monday to Friday.
For communications and information, please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr.Giorgio Gerratana
via A. Moro, 3
0932 448567
0932 44803
0932 44806
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  • Modica - via A. Moro 3
    Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
    Thursday, 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
  • Modica - Fater S.P.A. - via A. Moro 3
    Wednesday and Friday, 9:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
    Thursday, 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
  • Pozzallo - via Orione, 4
    Monday to Friday, 8:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
    Tuesday and Thursday, 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
  • Ispica - via Sardegna
    Monday to Friday, 8:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
    Tuesday and Thursday, 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
  • Scicli - Ospedale Busacca
    Monday to Friday, 8:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.
It regards the supply of the prosthetic assistance which is provided for by the Essential healthcare levels, to people with disabilities or to those who need it, also for a limited period of time. This type of assistance provides citizens with three typologies of devices:
  • Aids are products used to prevent, compensate, alleviate or eliminate impairments or disabilities (crutches, wheelchairs, walking frames, sheets, adult diapers, catheters, aids for people who have undergone colostomy, etc.). They support people with disabilities in performing actions that could not be performed in normal conditions.
  • Prostheses are devices that replace, partially or totally, missing or non-functioning body parts (artificial limbs);
  • Orthoses are devices that improve the functionality of a body part that does not function properly (such as orthopedic shoes, orthopedic corsets, etc.).
The National Health Service, by Ministerial Decree 332 of 1999, amended by Ministerial Decree 321 of 2001, regulated by means of the “Healthcare Range of Fees for Prostheses” the provision modalities and the list of the aids, together with the respective fees, that can be provided, free of charge, to those who are entitled and need them. The Healthcare Range of Fees for Prostheses is divided into three lists:
  • the first list includes the “custom-made devices”, which can be used only by the patient to whom they are prescribed, since they are personalized or standardized devices which have been adapted by a qualified technician upon prescription of a medical specialist (orthopedic devices, corsets and footwear, etc…);
  • the second list includes the “standardized devices”, which are the aids that do not need customization (beds, wheelchairs, etc…);
  • the third list includes the “devices purchased by A.S.P.s”, which are provided to patients (ventilators, stair lifts, etc…).
The users who are eligible for the provision of the devices included in the Healthcare Range of Fees, according to their pathology, are:
  1. legally disabled persons, disabled veterans, persons with duty-related disabilities, blind persons and persons with a hearing and speech impairment;
  2. minors who need a prevention, treatment and rehabilitation intervention related to a permanent disability;
  3. persons with a legal disability which is greater than 1/3;
  4. users who applied for disability and who are unable to walk without the help of an assistant and continuous support;
  5. subjects who have undergone laryngectomy, tracheotomy, Ileostomy, colostomy and urostomy; persons who wear indwelling catheters; persons who suffer from incontinence in a stabilized form; persons who, due to a severe disease, are bedridden; upon prior submission of a medical certification. As for the abovementioned subjects, the necessary and appropriate prosthetic devices are specified in a prescription written by an employed or affiliated medical practitioner of the National Health Service, who is specialized on the specific disability;
  6. persons who have undergone limb amputation; women with congenital malformations which imply the absence of one or both of the breasts, or of mammary gland; women who have undergone mastectomy; subjects who have undergone eye removal. As for the abovementioned categories, prior submission of a medical certification is necessary;
  7. the patients of public or private accredited healthcare facilities, for whom the doctor in charge of an Operative Unit certify the necessity and urgency of the application of a prosthesis, orthosis or aid before discharge, in relation to a permanent and severe impairment, in order to promptly activate or carry out a rehabilitation process. The procedure for disability recognition has to be started simultaneously with prosthesis or orthosis provision.
The devices which are owed in accordance with the Presidential Decree of 30th June 1965 No. 1124, are provided by the National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work (I.N.A.I.L.) to the persons with work-related disabilities, at its own expense.
The procedure for the provision of the devices consists of 4 steps: prescription, authorization, provision and testing.
  • Prescription
    It can be written by a doctor of an accredited public or private facility, who is specialized on the specific typology of impairment or disability. In the case of specific aids (such as adult diapers, sheets and aids for skin lesions treatment and prevention), it can also be written by a general practitioner. The prescription has to include: a detailed diagnosis; the specifications of the device, prosthesis or aid and of the possible additions or modifications which are necessary for its customization; a plan of use of the device.
  • Authorization
    It is issued by the Operative Units for Integrative, Prosthetic Assistance and Disability of citizen’s Provincial Health Authority of residence.
  • Provision
    It is carried out by A.S.P. by means of the accredited suppliers freely chosen by the users (el. 1), by means of the companies which have been awarded in public tenders (el. 2-3), or directly.
  • Testing It is performed by the doctor who has prescribed the device, and consists in verifying its adherence to the specifications, and its appropriateness towards patient’s necessities.
The devices provided are limited to those included in the “Healthcare Range of Fees for Prostheses”, and they have to be related to the certified disability.
Some devices, which are not indicated in the Healthcare Range of Fees, but that are functionally similar to the ones which are included in it, can be provided, but possible price differences are at patient’s expense. Customized aids are property of the patient, while non-customized ones can be loaned for use, therefore they have to be returned to the Health Authority if no longer necessary.