This document containing information on personal data processing is provided, pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation No. 2016/679 (GDPR) and pursuant to articles 77, 80, 121, 122 of the Legislative Decree 101/2018 (additions and amendments to Legislative Decree 196/03), to the users of A.S.P. Ragusa’s website, which is digitally accessible from the home page

This information note describes how the processing of the personal data of the users visiting the website is managed. As for the use of specific services that require user registration, such as WEBSANITY or others, please refer to the specific information note available during registration.

1. Data controller

Navigation on the website entails the processing of personal data for the use of cookies; please refer to section 6 for information about the different categories of cookies used on the website.

The Data Controller is A.S.P. Ragusa, with registered office in Piazza Igea 1 – 97100 Ragusa.

2. Personnel designated to data processing

Data processing pertaining the services of the website is mainly performed in the offices of A.S.P. Ragusa. It is carried out by identified and specifically designated personnel.

As for the data processing described herein, A.S.P. Ragusa can avail itself of the support of external companies, consultants, consortia, providers of software and operating services, by means of identified and designated personnel, within the purposes which are provided for, and ensuring the highest level of data security and privacy.

3. Types of data processed

  • Browsing the portal: browsing data

    IT Systems and the operating procedures which are used to operate the website, during their normal operations, acquire some data whose transmission is inherent in the communication protocols of the Internet.

    Such information is used to acquire anonymous statistical information about portal use and to monitor its proper functioning, and it is not associated to identified users; however, due to its inherent characteristics and by means of associations with data held by third parties, it could allow the identification of data subjects. For example, the IP address of the system used for connecting the website belongs to such category.

    These data are removed from the systems after statistics processing and they are stored offline exclusively for ascertaining the responsibility in case of computer crimes, and they can be consulted only upon request of the judicial authority.

  • Data voluntarily provided by the user when using online services

    For the use of online services that involve authentication, registration or the sending of emails, personal data, freely provided by users through different methods, are used. To this end, please refer to the privacy and cookies policy pertaining the use of online services such as WEBSANITY and/or other services provided by the portal, which is available during user registration.

4. Optional nature of data provision

The act itself of browsing the website implies having read and accepting this privacy and cookies policy.

5. Processing Methods

Personal data are processed by means of automated instruments, for the amount of time that is strictly necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they have been collected.

Specific security measures are applied in order to prevent any loss, illegal use or misuse of data, as well as any unauthorized access thereto.

6. Use of cookies

Cookies are text files that are stored on the computers of web users in order to make website browsing safe and efficient, and to monitor its use.

Cookies with promotional or advertising purposes are not used (profiling cookies).

  • Technical and session cookies (which are essential for the use of online services and to access the reserved areas of the portal)

    The website only uses functional cookies that are needed in order to ensure users the best browsing experience. Especially, the use of session cookies (that are not permanently saved on users’ computer and are deleted when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (which are made up of random numbers generated by the server) which are necessary to make website browsing safe and efficient.

  • Third party cookies

    This website uses some functionalities provided by other organizations (“Third parties”) because some pages of the website use Google Maps (linked element).
    The information collected by “third parties” is not accessible by the owners of this website and its management is regulated by the respective privacy and cookies policies, please refer to them for related information.

    For further information about the use and the processing of data by Google, please refer to the information contained in the following internet address:

  • How to disable cookies (opt-out)

    Users may refuse consent to the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate setting on their browser. Please refer to the following links for information on how to disable cookies on the most popular browsers (for other browsers, please search this option in the software help, which is usually available by pressing F1):

7. Rights of data subjects

In accordance with the articles 15-22 of GDPR, data subjects may exercise:

the right to know:

  • the source of the personal data,
  • the purposes and the methods of data processing,
  • the logic employed in case of processing carried out via electronic means,
  • the identification details of the data controller, of the persons in charge, of the persons or categories of persons to whom personal data may be communicated or who may be informed about them;

the right to obtain, from the data controller or the person in charge, without delay:

  • the updating, the rectification, or, if desired, the integration of data,
  • the deletion, the anonymization, or the blocking of unlawfully processed data, including those whose storage is not required in relation to the purposes for which data have been collected or subsequently processed,
  • the attestation that the operations referred to in the previous two points have been reported to those to whom data have been communicated or spread, also with regard to their content; except in the case where this fulfillment proves to be impossible or implies the use of means that are manifestly disproportionate in relation to the right that is protected;

the right to object, completely or partially:

  • for legitimate reasons, to the processing of the personal data concerning them, even though they are relevant to the purpose of the collection,
  • to the processing of the personal data concerning them for the purpose of the sending of material for market researches or marketing communication.

The rights can be exercised by making an application to the Data controller (A.S.P. Ragusa - Piazza Igea, 1 – 97100 Ragusa).