Dr. Rosario Trombadore
via Resistenza Partigiana
97015 - Modica
0932 448204
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Emergencies, in the Provincial Health Authority of Ragusa, are managed by means of three Emergency Medical Services Divisions, in Ragusa, Modica and Vittoria, in collaboration with 118. The Department of Emergency and Admissions, by working in close contact with all the hospital facilities, ensures all the services which are necessary in order to appropriately intervene in case of emergency, and to activate an appropriate process of diagnosis and treatment once the emergency phase is over. The ER is the Operative Unit dedicated to emergency diagnoses and treatments, and it is operational 24 hours a day.

It ensures:
  • Admission of patients in life-threatening conditions, for non-deferrable and deferrable emergencies;
  • Admission for patients who spontaneously present themselves, also in non-urgent medical conditions;
  • First aid on the territory within its competence, in coordination with the 118-Operations Center of Catania.
Moreover, the ER ensures, also in departmental coordination with the other Operative Units, the following functions:
  • Triage;
  • Maintenance of the vital functions of patients in a critical condition;
  • Emergency multidisciplinary consulting, specialized diagnostics and specialist care for patients in a critical condition;
  • Short-Stay Observation Unit;
  • Safe transport of patients in a critical condition to the competent hospital;
  • Support activities to Legal Authorities;
  • Direct access to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Unit for pregnant patients with obstetrical and gynecological problems (fast-track).