Recovery of co-payment for healthcare expenses in case of missed cancellation of services reservations
In accordance with the Decree Law of the 7th of June 2024 No. 73 concerning “Urgent measures for the reduction of waiting times for healthcare services”, converted with amendments by the Law of the 29th of July 2024, No. 107 (In Official Gazette of the Italian Republic 31/07/2024, No. 178).A.S.P. Ragusa notifies, with 48 hours' notice, a reminder that recalls the necessity to confirm or cancel the reservation, by means of SMS or email, to the contact details provided by the patient during the reservation.
- When it is not possible to attend a medical examination or a diagnostic procedure, it is mandatory to cancel the reservation;
- Cancellations must be made at least two working days prior to the appointment (excluding the day of the appointment itself). Failure to cancel will result in a penalty equal to the cost of the service’s co-payment, even if exemptions apply;
- Cancellation is mandatory even in the case of reservations, made through the C.U.P.s of the Auhtority, in affiliated and contracted facilities.
It is possible to cancel a reservation by:
- replying to the message sent by A.S.P.;
- going in person to C.U.P. help desks;
- sending a copy of the reservation form, with “disdetta prenotazione” (meaning “reservation cancellation” in Italian) and your signature written on it, to the following email address:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; - going in the pharmacies connected to the Authority C.U.P..
In case of failure to cancel within the specified time frame the citizen will receive a message (SMS or email) to the contact details provided during reservation, indicating the reservation code and the date of the missed appointment. The message will include:
- the invitation to justify the failure to cancel or the inability to make use of the service within 30 days of receiving the message, by filling out the appropriate form (attachment 1), that can be requested at the Public Relations Offices (U.R.P. Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico) of your District of residence, or that can be downloaded, from the Website of the Authority, at the link provided in the message;
- the notice that, in case of failure to provide justification within the aforementioned deadline (30 days), a penalty equal to the amount of the due co-payment will be applied, along with its recovery (according to the procedure referred to in the Authority Regulation for debt recovery, approved by resolution No. 1465 of 04/06/2019), resulting in inevitable additional costs to be borne by the non-compliant citizen.
The justifications for avoiding the application of the penalty must be documented. They are listed below:
- Admission to a healthcare facility or other certified health reasons (which may concern the individual or a relative/in-law up to the second degree, spouse, cohabitants in the same household);
- Birth of a son or daughter;
- Bereavement due to the death of a relative/in-law (up to the second degree, spouse, cohabitant, and if the event occurs within two working days prior to the date of the service);
- Traffic accident (if the event occurred within two working days prior to the date of the service);
- Public transport strike, natural disasters;
- Menstrual cycle for gynecological medical examination and other related services.
At the sole discretion of the Authority, justifications may be accepted with the cancellation of the penalty.
The completed and signed form must be submitted, along with the supporting documentation and a copy of a valid identity document, to the Public Relations Office (U.R.P. Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico) of your District of residence, using the following methods:
- By submitting it directly to the Public Relations Offices (U.R.P. Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico);
- By sending a P.E.C. (Posta Elettronica Certificata - Certified Email) to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , specifying in the subject of the email: “Giustificazione mancata disdetta visita specialistica o prestazione diagnostica” (meaning “Justification for failure to cancel the specialist medical examination or the diagnostic service” in Italian); - By sending an email to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; - By sending a regular mail/registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to Asp Ragusa-piazza Igea n. 1 – 97100 Ragusa – Ufficio URP.