Dr. Giuseppe Smecca
via Teocrito, 18
97100 - Ragusa
0932 234427
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The Prevention and Protection Service, of General Manager's staff, is the internal division by which the Authority performs the occupational risks assessment and identifies prevention, safety and protection measures for the health of the workers, as provided for by the Legislative Decree 9th April 2008 No. 81, Text updated with the Legislative Decree 3rd August 2009, No. 106 and subsequent amendments and integrations.

It is organized in accordance with the indications of the Council Notice No. 1273 of the 26th of July 2010:
“Guidelines about the organizational and functional structure of the Prevention and Protection Services of the healthcare facilities of the Region of Sicily”

The Employer organizes the Prevention and Protection Service within the company. It is necessary, for the internal or external Officers and Supervisors of the Services, to have the professional competences and requirements referred to in the article 32 of the Legislative Decree 81/08; to be of sufficient number, according to the characteristics of the company; to have means and time which are adequate in order to perform their duties. They cannot be placed at any disadvantage for performing the activities related to their duties.

Duties of the Prevention and Protection Service (Taken from the Legislative Decree 81/08, article 33)

The Occupational Risks Prevention and Protection Service:
  • identifies risk factors, assesses risks, determines the measures which are necessary for the safety and salubrity of working environments, in compliance with the regulations in force, on the basis of the specific knowledge of company organization;
  • develops, as for the aspects within its competence, the prevention and protection measures referred to in the article 28 paragraph 2, and their respective control systems;
  • develops safety procedures for the different activities of the company;
  • proposes workers information and training plans;
  • attends the meetings on the subject of health protection and occupational safety, as well as the regular meeting referred to in the article 35;
  • provides workers with the information referred to in the article 36;
In order to fully implement the article 18 paragraphs 2, 28 and 29 of the Legislative Decree 81/08, it is necessary, for the Employer and the managers, to provide the Prevention and Protection Service with the following information:
  • the production cycle;
  • names of the personnel and of the exposed subjects;
  • the list of the chemical products employed;
  • the list of the equipment and machineries employed;
  • The mapo risk map;
  • Other notifications.

It is necessary, for the information, to be updated every time a change occurs: structural and personnel changes, new machineries and/or chemical products employed, intended use changes, etc.

  • Ivano Caltagirone
    0932 234456
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  • Emanuele Distefano
    0932 234490
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  • Massimo La Pegna
    0932 999208
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  • Lina Nubile
    0932 234483
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System for the management of safety at work (S.G.S.L.)

The system for the management of health and safety in workplaces (S.G.S.L.), is an authority organizational system developed on a voluntary basis, that aims to ensure the achievement of the objectives pertaining health and safety at work, by maximizing benefits and reducing costs.

For an Authority, it means and implies:

  • certifying what is done;
  • doing what has been certified;
  • recording what happened;
  • learning from mistakes and/or changes;

By means of the adoption of a S.G.S.L. system, the protection of safety and health in the workplace becomes an integral part of the overall management of an Authority organization.

The Authority that adopts a S.G.S.L., after determining its own health and safety policy, creates an organizational structure by defining responsibilities, processes, resources and specific procedures. The organizational structure must be adequate to the activities which are performed, to the size of the Authority, to the level of the occupational risks, to the objectives that have been set as well as to the related implementation plans which are established each time.

The Authority, by adopting a S.G.S.L. management system, intends to analyze and regulate its internal procedures, in order to identify possible conducts or repeated actions that could cause incidents and therefore reduce the level of health and safety in workplaces.