The Basic Operative Unit for Occupational Health collaborates with the Authority to the organization of the measures for the protection of workers’ psychophysical well-being and health, on the basis of the specific knowledge of Authority organization and risk factors:
  • It performs preventive medical examinations aimed at assessing employees’ fitness for a specific job, by verifying the absence of contraindications related to the tasks that they will have to carry out;
  • it performs regular medical assessments aimed at monitoring the state of health of workers;
  • it assesses the fitness for a specific job;
  • it draws up and updates, under its responsibility, a medical and risks record for all the employees under health surveillance, which is kept by the Authority and protected by professional secrecy;
  • it provides employees with information about the medical assessments which they undergo. In the case of exposure to agents causing long-term health effects, it informs about the necessity of undergoing further medical examinations, even after the termination of the activity related to the exposure. Moreover, upon request, it provides employees representatives for safety with analogous information;
  • it informs workers on the outcomes of medical assessments, and, upon request, it releases a copy of the medical documentation;
  • it reports the anonymous and aggregate results of the clinical and instrumental examinations which have been performed, and provides explanations about the results. This information is reported in the meetings which are convened by the Authority at least annually, which are attended by the Authority Representative, the Director of the Prevention and Protection Service and the Safety Representative;
  • it visits working environments at least biannually and contributes to the planning of employees exposure monitoring, whose outcomes are promptly acknowledged for the assessments and opinions within its competence;
  • it performs medical examinations related to occupational risks upon request of the employees; it collaborates with employers for the organization of the first aid service referred to in the article 15 of the Law 626/94;
  • it collaborates to training and information activities;
  • for well-founded reasons, the Occupational Health Physician can collaborate with medical specialists chosen by the Employer;
  • In the case of partial, temporary or complete unfitness for work of employees, following a medical assessment, the Occupational Health Physician informs, in writing, the Authority and the worker.