The Basic Operative Unit for Authority Education and Promotion of Health pursues the objective of ensuring each individual and the community favourable conditions for a conscious choice of an healthy lifestyle, in a perspective of efficiency and affordability. It is inspired by the principles established in the Ottawa Charter, and also by those which are included in the Legislative Decree of 30th December 1992 No. 502, in the Regional Law 14/4/2009 No.5, in the Pact for Health 2010-12 and in the Council Decree No. 300 of 20th February 2012 (Approval of the Guidelines for the organization of the Operative Units for Authority Education and Promotion of Health).


  • It ensures citizens equal access opportunities to healthcare services;
  • it fulfills the right to information;
  • it supports and promotes well-being by means of the learning of healthy behaviors and lifestyles;
  • it supports the improvement of a social awareness and the assumption, from all the citizens, of an informed and direct personal responsibility towards their own well-being;
  • it is the internal (Departments, Services, Districts and Hospitals) and external (relations with the Regional Healthcare Department, Provincial Education Department, ex Regional Province, Authorities, Institutions, Provincial, Regional and National Agencies, and private social Organizations) institutional point of reference for all the activities of Education and Health Promotion pertaining the territory of competence;
  • it supports the capability of providing multi-professional and integrated interventions;
  • it directs and performs counseling activities aimed at preventing the onset of distress among young people.
The Service Charter constitutes the formal commitment that the Operative Unit for Authority Education and Promotion of Health undertakes towards its users, by means of the observance of the following requirements

Service Charter

Dr. Daniela Bocchieri
via Dante, 112
97100 - Ragusa
0932 234828
333 - 3303168
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Other contacts

Dr. Grazia Occhipinti
0932 234806
333 - 4903390
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Maria Dipasquale
0932 234834
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Dr. Emanuela Scollo
via Palestro, 146
97019 - Vittoria
0932 999731
0932 999732
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The Operative Unit for Authority Education and Promotion of Health, directed by Dr. Vincenzo Trapani, implements the activity of the pedagogical counseling Help Desk, which has been already started up during the year, within a project aimed at Upper Secondary Schools.
The activity is directed by Dr. Daniela Bocchieri, educational psychologist of the above-mentioned Operative Unit, who manages the relations with the branches of the Authority and with the Institutions of the territory (Social Services of the Municipality of Ragusa, Law Enforcement, ex Regional Province, Provincial Education Department, Provincial Inter-institutional Working Group - G.L.I.P., and Volunteer Organizations).
The “Support Help Desk” is aimed at the students, between the ages of 13 and 20, of different schools of the territory of Ragusa, and at their teachers and relatives.
It deals with family and intergenerational problems, and with those related to sexuality, smoking and alcohol consumption. Moreover, it also deals with relational problems within the classes, especially during the first two years of Upper Secondary Schools; with integration problems between students and teachers and with new typologies of addictions that are not substances-related such as smartphone, Facebook, internet addiction and pathological gambling. All the interventions are aimed at supporting young people in learning and developing life skills, in a perspective of distress prevention.

Operative Unit for Authority Education and Promotion of Health
via Dante, 112
97100 - Ragusa
0932 234828
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